terça-feira, junho 01, 2010

Ten haikus.- XFC

Ten trilingual haikus written between April and May 2010


fados nos dedos,
vens ao tacto da erva,
hei de lembrar-te

hados en los dedos,
vienes al tacto de la hierba,
he de recordarte.

fates on the fingers,
you coming to the touch of grass,
I must remember you.


descer-te, ler-te,
tinguir-te, despovoar-te...
como inventar-te?

descenderte, leerte,
teñirte, despoblarte...
¿cómo inventarte?

descending you, reading you,
dying you, depopulating you...
how to invent you?


corpo e foresta,
tu chovendo-me toda,
elétrico à lua

cuerpo y selva,
tú lloviéndome toda,
tranvía a la luna

body and forest,
you raining upon me,
tramway to the moon.


mar sen marés,
navegar-te sem rumo
no embigo eterno

mar sin mareas,
navegarte sin rumbos
en ombligo eterno

tideless sea
sailing you nowhere
in a timeless navel


hei descubrir-te
entre hedras na meixela,
recua o tempo

te descubriré
entre hiedra en la mejilla,
recula el tiempo

I'll discover you
among ivy in your cheek,
when time withdraws


deusas inóspitas
e bébedas de ausências,
a rosa afoga

diosas inhóspitas
y borrachas de ausencias,
se ahoga la rosa

inhospitable goddess
all drunk of absence,
the rose gets drowned


voo-te lento,
expiro primaveras,
sopro na terra

te vuelo lento,
expiro primaveras,
soplo la tierra

I'm flying you slowly,
I'm expiring your springs,
I'm blowing the land


inventam anjos,
a noite vem despida,
marés antigas

inventan ángeles
la noche baja desnuda
marea antigua

they invent angels,
and the night is coming naked,
those ancient tides


a última rua,
em lábios dividida,
a outono cheiras

la última calle,
en labios partida,
hueles a otoño

the last street
now splitting into lips
you smell of autumn


viver no escuro
e viver apalpando-te,
viver-te sabor

vivirte en lo oscuro
y vivir palpándote
vivirte sabor

living you in dark
and living you in touch,
living you in taste

© Xavier Frías Conde
All rights reserved worlwide

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